Blockchain project


We will tell you the story of a young woman, a lawyer, who has chosen to turn her passion into job. A bit like us and our passion for the land.

This is Serena, 29 years old, graduated in Law and specialized in “Business Law” in Milan. Since childhood she has always believed in justice and that we can all, in our own small way, do something to defend the weakest from injustice.

The passion for criminal law was born in the university context, listening to her professor saying these words: “Criminal law is the table of values of an order, that is, the mirror in which a society is reflected”, “The offender is not far from us, he is not different, besides many times he is sitting next to us, or even inside us”. Fascinated by the combination of good / bad, she began her career as a lawyer in an important law firm specializing in criminal law of economics.
She chose “Le Biodiverse” because they allow her to have a quick but at the same time tasty and healthy lunch break.

Her favourite one is “Chickling Peas and Dried Tomatoes”. The chickling peas, produced by our partner Terre di Altamura, are a typical legume of the Mediterranean tradition, very tasty and sustainable, given their ability to resist drought periods. Thanks to the abundance of proteins, their intake seems to bring benefits to the memory while facilitating digestion and metabolism.
Thanks, Serena for choosing Pralina but above all for having decided to do the work you do, in the right way.